I’m looking forward to relief from the constant barrage of real “fake” news and insults from the Trump Administration. The Mainstream Media, which has been under attack for doing what it can to provide accurate news, may finally be rid of its 1st Amendment oppressor. This country doesn’t need to be lied to. Its voice doesn’t need to be ignored. But that’s exactly what’s been happening with daily blare of noise from the White House.

If Trump could accomplish anything, it should be to leave office quietly and never be heard from again. For the last four years, this country has suffered over 20,000 lies and misleading statements. This was reported by the Washington Post. has catalogued almost 300 pages of Trump’s cruelties, collusions, corruptions, and crimes. On October 20, 2020, Dana Milbank of the Washington Post also listed 41 items that presented a more than adequate case to VOTE – but not for Trump!!

The previous references aren’t exhaustive. Any credible media source will likely offer the same kind of information based on investigative reporting. Probably the biggest fear of someone who habitually and easily lies, is to be exposed with facts. We should all fear the propaganda bombardment, not just from the source, but also from the echo chambers.

It seems that Dan Braswell may have relied on Trump’s Twitter feed instead of researching reliable sources for information. If he’d done that research conscientiously, he would’ve had a list completely different from what he presented. In fact, Braswell never mentioned:

· Putin’s bounty on American soldiers without any admonishment from Trump.

· Trump’s belittling of the “Suckers and Losers” in our armed forces, like John McCain who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam. That was the war Trump avoided because of a bone spur handicap.

· Trump’s dismantling of the EPA website of Climate Change data and information because it doesn’t suit his agenda.

· Trump’s foot-dragging at the start of the “China virus” that led to over 220,000 American lives being lost. Injecting bleach and ingesting hydroxychloroquine were being touted as the cure for COVID-19. (And no one really calls it the “China virus” except Trump.)

· Trump secretly funneling money from a charitable organization into his own bank account.

· Trump’s excuses about the tax cut that was really to benefit the rich while the middle class will be waiting to feel the impact. The disparity between wealth and income continues.

Doesn’t anyone pay attention to this kind of information, understand it, and know how to act on it?

For all of Braswell’s past LTEs, the most recent is the worst portrayal of misinformation and disinformation. This is something that we need to be aware of whenever Braswell’s name appears in print. I’m certainly interested in what he has to say and I’ll be watching closely for his misstatements.

Stacy Lee Briley

Author: Jim

Louisa Dems Treasurer