To the editor:
Polls show that a majority of people in Louisa want to keep our county rural. We love the green fields and peacefully grazing cattle and low traffic, even if we are not personally farming.
Let’s not let residential development squeeze out farmers. To do this we need to support our farmers. They are not going to keep farming for long if they can’t make a living at it.
Our representative in Congress, Abigail Spanberger, is the chair of the Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee of the House Agriculture Committee. She recently spent a day touring various farming operations in nearby counties. From the farmers she spoke with, she learned about things like crop rotation, new ways of marketing on social media, and selling directly to consumers. She learned about the real-life impacts of various pieces of federal legislation. She said that gaining an understanding of the day-to-day nuts and bolts of the business helps her do her job. She puts in the real work. This is not lip service.
I love Louisa County and I want to thank her for doing what we need to keep it the way it is.
Mary Kranz
This letter was previously published in the latest edition of the Central Virginian newspaper and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.