Blue Louisa

Why McGuire Doesn’t Support Expanding Absentee Voting.

Why didn’t Delegate John McGuire vote for a bill that would expand absentee voting and make it easier for voters who are parents of young children, who work unpredictable schedules, and who don’t have a full-blown disability but have trouble standing for long periods? Republicans used to believe in democracy, but today some of them don’t seem to want everyone to vote.
Jen Wainright
Editor’s Note: this letter originally appeared in the Central Virginian, and has been re-posted here with the author’s permission.

Project Neighbor

Re-electing Abigail Spanberger and keeping the House of Representatives blue means getting all of OUR voters to the polls this fall. 

That’s why we’re teaming up with Indivisible Louisa for Project Neighbor, a county-wide door knocking effort designed to recruit volunteers and engage potential voters early.  

We’ll hit the doors this spring, talking with strong Democrats about what’s at stake this November and how they can get involved.  We’ll listen to our neighbors and learn about the issues that matter to them, register new voters, and assist folks in overcoming barriers to the ballot box.  

To make it all happen, we need you! Sign up to knock doors in your neighborhood or elsewhere in the county. We’ll provide training, and we can even pair you with an experienced canvassing partner.  

Sign up for Project Neighbor today and we’ll follow up with more information.


The views expressed here are those of the individual poster and not the position of the official Louisa County Democratic Committee. Posts may be deleted or edited with attribution at the discretion of those appointed by the Committee to monitor website content. 

March Meeting

March 7, 2020 – Louisa Library, 11:00 AM
Regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Louisa County Democratic Committee.

If you have agenda a items, please email them to Jen by March 5.