Payroll Tax Cut Imperils Seniors

Older Americans like myself depend on the Social Security checks we receive every month. For the past 85 years, the Social Security program has enabled us to retire with dignity. It’s our insurance policy. We paid into it. We count on it. Even so, the president made an announcement last Saturday that if re-elected, he will seek permanent cuts to the payroll tax that funds Social Security.

Our 7th district Congresswoman, Abigail Spanberger, has consistently worked to keep Social Security and Medicare functioning, pushing back against such threats. She has always focused on working with both Republicans and Democrats to maintain the benefits that employees have earned. We must support her efforts in the upcoming election.

Mary Kranz

This letter was previously published in The Central Virginian and is republished here with the permission of the author.

Trump’s Troubles Show No Sign of Letting Up

The presidential campaigns are about to swing into the convention phase. But the president’s demand for a crowded, rousing, balloon-dropping convention has run aground on the rocks of the coronavirus.

The Republican Convention was originally scheduled for Charlotte, N.C., but North Carolina’s governor insisted on adherence to pandemic restrictions. The same was true of the attempt to move the convention to Jacksonville, Fla. Apparently, the pandemic is not a hoax.

The reality is that Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is fighting an explosion of COVID-19 as more than 80,000 cases, about 23 percent of Florida’s total, have been reported in the past seven days. A pandemic hot spot, Florida recorded more cases in one day than any other state, with more than 15,000 on July 12. Last Sunday was the fifth consecutive day that Florida’s number of known cases grew by more than 10,000.

President Trump sought a smooth-running, well-attended convention because his recent rallies have not met his attendance expectations. At his Tulsa rally, instead of proper social distancing, campaign staff removed seating stickers to bunch people up for better news photos. More COVID-19 cases were reported afterward. The campaign knew there was a danger and required attendees to sign waiver agreements so attendees couldn’t sue if they got infected.

Other campaign speed bumps appear. Fox News, Trump’s stalwart, admits its polling is not showing massive support for the president. Key blocks of his 2016 base, suburban women for example, are slipping away. In Trump’s recent interview on Fox News, Chris Wallace pressed him to back up some of his more bizarre assertions—not typical Fox style.

The campaign has fallen back on a law-and-order theme, which includes criticizing constitutionally empowered, elected public officials.

To back up their assertions of mayhem, the president and the attorney general sent federal law officers to Portland, Oregon, as a demonstration of their wider intent. The conduct of these unidentified enforcers has spawned the Wall of Moms and Wall of Vets to protect protesters. Federal officers, in camouflage, have grabbed citizens unassociated with any crime and whisked them away in unmarked vehicles. Recently, the federal enforcers set upon a retired Annapolis graduate and Navy veteran. Video shows them beating him severely, breaking his hand in two places.

Certainly, Trump has expressed disdain for those who wear the uniform of the United States. His long, public spat with Sen. John McCain was so bitter that when the White House discovered the president might see a Navy vessel named after the Vietnam War hero’s father during his visit to Japan, it ordered the ship’s name be covered up.

Nor was Trump kind to Gold Star parents who lost a son or daughter in combat. A serial user of condescending labels, Trump called his secretary of defense, Marine Gen. Jim Mattis, “an overrated general.” Personal slights are not the only demonstration of Trump’s low regard for the U.S. military. He has raided the Defense Department budget for money to pay for his wall at the southern border.

Not only is the president’s conduct costing him points in the polls, but his policies have diverged from the standard Republican mantra. Republicans used to believe in low national debt; no more.

But as Election Day nears, the Republican Party is beginning to be concerned about the consequences for down-ballot candidates who have to defend high-debt and anti-military attitudes. Their campaigns will be hard pressed to explain away Russian proxy attacks on American soldiers and Russian interference in American elections.

The president’s law-and-order policies, which push aside local authorities, are government overreach—and would have been severely criticized by previous administrations. Down-ballot candidates may not be able to defend all that Trump has created or destroyed.

David Reuther

This letter was previously published in the Culpeper Star-Exponent and is published here with the consent of the author.

More Funding Needed for Testing and Contact Tracing

Most of us realize that the only way we are going to get the coronavirus behind us is for each of us to take personal responsibility and not be a spreader. Whether it’s masking up, staying home, avoiding hot spots, or getting tested and isolating if we test positive, it’s up to each of us. Virginia has done better than many states, but numbers and deaths are increasing again. In order to open our businesses and schools, and in order to keep them open, we need to immediately nip this dangerous trend.

As I write this now, on July 19, there are talks going on to decide how the federal government will allocate money for coronavirus relief. The administration is trying to block funding that would help states conduct testing and contact tracing, even over the objections of a number of Republican congressmen. These are the very things we need most to get the pandemic under control.

Abigail Spanberger, 7th district congresswoman, is working hard to make sure there is a bipartisan deal that will enable us to be successful.

“Blocking testing support may obscure just how bad the pandemic is, but it won’t help us save lives, rebuild the economy, or reopen schools safely,” she said. “In Congress, I’ll continue to fight for support of testing and tracing.”

Peter Sugarman Louisa

Originally published in the Central Virginian and published here with the permission of the author.

Louisa United March & Rally

All are invited to join in the peaceful march on July 25th from 10am-12pm. The starting and ending point is the Louisa Town Park at 108 Meadow Street in Louisa.

Dynamic speakers will give brief remarks at the starting point as well as at each of the stops including the sheriff’s office, county administration office and courthouse. There will be a Voter Registration drive. Participants must wear a mask. We look forward to your support of unity as we make Louisa County a more inclusive place to live, learn, work and play!

The purpose of the Louisa United group is to demonstrate unity and the inclusion of all people, appreciating the differences and commonalities among us all, advocating for all steps that make Louisa County a better place for black, brown and all citizens to live and holding accountable those persons in authority so that the steps we advocate for are put in place. We intend to address inequalities and injustices in Louisa County and to increase cooperation, solidarity and love among the Louisa community.

For more information, contact: Juanita Jo Matkins – 540 223-0746  or Jaime Hiter – 540 259-9485

Louisa United Rally
Rally & March July 25 2020

Congresswoman Focused on Internet

I have an internet-based business and two children in Louisa County Public Schools. Like many in Louisa, I struggle daily with slow internet speeds. I hear a lot of talk locally about what might be done, but there is now progress at the national level.

Rural America still might not have electricity if it had not been for the Rural Electrification Act of 1936. Now we need that for internet for the same reasons. Private business is not going to invest when they can make more money in more densely populated areas. Electricity and internet are just as essential in the way of infrastructure as roads and bridges.

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Moving America Forward Act. This act includes the Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act, which Abigail Spanberger, our own Congresswoman, helped introduce. This bill includes her priority of expanding high-speed internet in Central Virginia’s rural areas.

Spanberger listens to her constituents. She is focused on our interests and advocates for us. Re-elect her in November.

Sara Macel Louisa
This letter was previously published in the Central Virginian and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.

Corruption is Our Real Enemy

When I heard a month or so ago that at least one member of the US legislature had profited hugely by selling stocks using “insider information,” I was shocked. These lawmakers are not working for the benefit the people who elected them. Not only are they enriching themselves, but they are making laws on behalf of the corporations they own stock in. No wonder people don’t trust the government.

Whether you identify as Democrat or Republican, left or right, this kind of corruption is the enemy of every one of us.

A new bill, co-sponsored by our Congresswoman, Abigail Spanberger, would help correct that situation. HR 7200, nicknamed the TRUST in Congress Act, is subtitled “To require Members of Congress and their spouses and dependent children to place certain assets into blind trusts.” What this bill aims to do is to separate the ability to buy and sell assets from the Congressperson’s direct control. Of course each legislator would be able to choose their own trustee, and no one would be required to, for instance, liquidate their holdings. (After all, who would run for offices, if it meant impoverishing themselves?)

Maybe there are issues that are nearer and dearer to our hearts right now, but wouldn’t it at least be nice to know that our government folks are not simply enriching themselves at our expense.

Rebecca Sue Rayburn

This letter was published in The Central Virginian  and is reprinted here with the permission of the author.