Blue Louisa

Challenger will get the work done in the 56th

There is work to be done on behalf of the people of the 56th district. We count on the legislators that we send to Richmond to do that work for us.

Louisa County’s current delegate, John McGuire, has made it abundantly clear that the people of the 56th district are not of interest to him. As evidenced by a recently released voicemail, he sees himself in Washington, not Richmond. In a message left for a big money Texas donor, Del. McGuire describes him[1]self as a “potential nominee for a top-five congressional seat — VA-07.”

It’s the same thing he did in 2020 when he tried to win the nomination for congressman, but failed. You can’t be in two places at once. You can’t do a good job when your heart and head are somewhere else. We have an alternative. We can elect Blakely Lockhart this November. She is rooted solidly in our district, and dedicated to serving its people. Let McGuire pursue his dreams elsewhere. We have work to do here.

McGuire pursue his dreams elsewhere. We have work to do here.

Tamara Haymore

This letter was previously published in the latest edition of the Central Virginian newspaper and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.

Brags on Supervisor Barnes

To the editor:
I would like to brag on my county supervisor. Fitzgerald Barnes has been a terrific representative for the Patrick Henry district, where I live. He supports business, education, and recreation in our county, and that’s a perfect
trifecta for me.

And I’ll tell you what else I like about Fitzgerald. He has never used his position as a steppingstone to some higher office. Year after year, he just keeps working for the people who live, work and study here.

Thank you, Supervisor Barnes. I will vote for you in November!

Jim Wolf

This letter was previously published in the latest edition of the Central Virginian newspaper and is reprinted here with the author’s permission. 

Support Louisa’s farmers

To the editor:
Polls show that a majority of people in Louisa want to keep our county rural. We love the green fields and peacefully grazing cattle and low traffic, even if we are not personally farming.

Let’s not let residential development squeeze out farmers. To do this we need to support our farmers. They are not going to keep farming for long if they can’t make a living at it.

Our representative in Congress, Abigail Spanberger, is the chair of the Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee of the House Agriculture Committee. She recently spent a day touring various farming operations in nearby counties. From the farmers she spoke with, she learned about things like crop rotation, new ways of marketing on social media, and selling directly to consumers. She learned about the real-life impacts of various pieces of federal legislation. She said that gaining an understanding of the day-to-day nuts and bolts of the business helps her do her job. She puts in the real work. This is not lip service.

I love Louisa County and I want to thank her for doing what we need to keep it the way it is.

Mary Kranz

This letter was previously published in the latest edition of the Central Virginian newspaper and is reprinted here with the author’s permission. 

Keep this man in office

To the editor:

I am pleased to support Supervisor Fitzgerald (“Coach”) Barnes for reelection as Louisa County supervisor for the Patrick Henry District. Supervisor Barnes has always had a vision for the needs of Louisa residents and has worked tirelessly to bring new business and employment to Louisa County. Remember when Louisa County didn’t have a Walmart as an employer? It now employs hundreds of Louisa County residents with decent-paying jobs. Supervisor Barnes has been quietly working to add employers and jobs for Louisa residents, such as the entire Ferncliff Business Park, Bio-Cat and Boxley Asphalt.

Supervisor Barnes has always been a strong supporter of business in the county. Now he has helped to bring Amazon to the Ferncliff Business Park. If you haven’t heard, Amazon will be opening a distribution center in Ferncliff soon. Now more of our young people can stay in Louisa County to live and work. Thank you, Supervisor Barnes and the other supervisors, for making Amazon’s distribution center happen.

Finally, Supervisor Fitzgerald Barnes has always been a good supporter for having residents living and working in Louisa County. Please help keep him in office by voting for him on Nov. 2nd. Mark your calendars.

Melvin Burruss

This letter was previously published in the latest edition of the Central Virginian newspaper and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.

The Tyranny of Stereotypes

Recent campaigns were notable for the widespread use of alternate facts and stereotypes. This is the fuel that stirred up intense divisions between political parties and within families. Stereotyping also helped maintain the Jim Crow system, or discrimination against any minority or immigrant community. As the United States looks to fulfill its responsibilities to those who helped us in Afghanistan, we can expect new stereotypes to emerge.

One of the oldest stereotypes still in use is the cry, “socialism,” a great pejorative and conversation stopper. Technically, socialism in economics is the government ownership of an industry. After WWII, Britain nationalized the coal industry, and a few countries in South America nationalized some extractive industries. Which industries do Republicans think Democrats want to nationalize at risk to our democratic, free way of life?  To be honest, I think the American steel industry is safe. 

What Republicans really mischaracterize as socialism are programs designed for the common good or, as stated in the preamble to the Constitution, “to promote the general welfare.” Broad social programs would include education, infrastructure, law enforcement, and Ben Franklin’s Post Office. Social Security has been a prime conservative target since the 1930s. Often in public opinion, Social Security is confused with public welfare and is labeled as some kind of an “entitlement program” sometimes by the very people who are receiving the benefits. Like any insurance policy, beneficiaries pay into Social Security as they progress through their earning years. Your car, life, and home insurance work the same way. Everyone pays in and, when needed, beneficiaries receive an appropriate payout, after the insurance company takes its profits and executive salaries.

In recent years, conservatives have tried to update the “socialism” stereotype by shifting the discussion to “freedom,” as though the two ideas are in opposition. They argue that health insurance purchased from a private company will somehow set you free, while Medicare represents socialistic imprisonment. It is hard to argue that an impersonal for-profit provider, who can reduce your benefits because of its definition of “pre-existing conditions,” is providing freedom.  You get what you pay for, and freedom isn’t on the private health insurer’s menu.

The more progressive point of view supports and enjoys freedom in the form of good schools, safe roads, strong infrastructure, and health care for all.  These are common goods that can launch a career, get you to work, and enhance your well-being. Who among us does not deserve these benefits? We also support a strong (not “defunded”) police force, whose tool kit can be improved by adding a mental health professional to the crisis response team, as is being implemented now in the town of Culpeper.

Of course, a surefire way to defund the police, the schools, the fire department, or public health is to have the legislature cut their budgets. This is the tactic of Culpeper’s House of Delegates representatives, who always vote against the budget and take no responsibility for the consequences. They hide behind stereotypes and ideology so that they don’t have to make the hard decisions that are needed to build and maintain a strong community. If Culpeper is short of deputies or has schools with leaky roofs and ventilation, roads and bridges in dangerous disrepair, and contaminated water and food supplies, the responsibility falls on those who vote against the budget. That’s why we are told elections have consequences.

Please vote this November. Local elections are extremely important for the prosperity of our community. Early voting, by mail or in person at the Voter Registrar’s Office, starts Friday, September 17.

David Reuther

David Reuther, a retired U.S. Foreign Service officer, is a past chair of the Culpeper Democratic Committee. These are his personal observations. This letter was previously published in the latest edition of the Culpeper Star-Exponent newspaper and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.

Solar companies only out for big profits

To the editor:
I would, first, like to invite any and everyone that would like to see Louisa remain an actual rural county of cool forests and farms, quiet homes and small businesses, a delightful draw for tourists and not a roasting hellhole of eroded soil and industrial solar plantations to show up and let the board of supervisors know your thoughts on Sept. 7; better yet, call them before then and still show up.

Next, I would like to ask (and for you, too, to ask) our board of supervisors, planning commission and Economic Development Director Andy Wade just how many thousands of acres of trees will be felled, how many millions of solar panels will be installed before your plan is complete, our economy developed, our “tax base” sound but our county a giant heat sink, a solar parking lot, and ruined. How many acres? What is your plan? I see NO PLAN, just more greed for a few and nothing for the good of all the residents of this county. Nothing! Zip!

As another slap in the face, you are hiring an Israeli company to do the install. Are there no American com-panies that can put a rack of solar panels on a pole and wire them up? Has anyone looked into at least using an American company to ruin our county?

As a reminder, Israelis have already cut down all their trees, created a desert, are fast running out of water and while quick to scream “antisemitism” at the slight-est insult are even quicker to steal from and oppress their neighbors in the Middle East. This company’s lack of concern for the residents of School Bus Road shows us that their long-term concern for the quality of life in Lou-isa County is zero; their only goal is money to Israel.

It has long baffled me that the railroad that runs the length of Louisa County never comes up in develop-ment discussions. Plans are currently in the works for passenger service from Rich-mond to Charlottesville (I’d bet there will be passenger trains through Louisa before there is water leaking out of the James River pipeline). The train used to stop in Louisa. It could again, to take commuters back and forth to RVA or C’ville or bring tourists here to access Mineral, Louisa or Lake Anna, or wander the trails of Cooke Forest Park.

Call and ask Andy Wade if he’s working on any of that? Ask him or your board member what their plans are, or if they have any actual plans. Just how many trees will it be ok to destroy? How will they clean up Northeast Creek Reservoir when the tap water is orange from solar plantation sediment. How long will the power be out when the next storm takes the lines down? And remember, with solar panels on your roof, you’d still have power.

Hope to see you at the meeting Sept. 7th – we all deserve better.

Lew Holladay

This letter was previously published in the latest edition of the Central Virginian newspaper and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.