Nick Freitas Doesn’t Want Us to Have Broadband

If you had the chance to vote to increase access to high speed Internet (broadband service) in rural areas, right here in Louisa, would you vote yes or no? Nearly everyone I know would vote YES on such a measure. They would vote for it because broadband is so important for our jobs, education, entertainment, shopping and other everyday activities

Nick Freitas had that chance and he voted NO. He was one of only 6 members of the House of Delegates to vote against House Bill 831. He has voted against broadband numerous times. It’s been made clear by his actions; Delegate Nick Freitas doesn’t think it’s important for us to have broadband.

Abigail Spanberger, our US Congresswoman, listens to her constituents and has taken every step she can to get us reliable, high-speed internet. She helped introduce the Moving America Forward Act, which includes the Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act. She has worked tirelessly to bring funding to ReConnect, the USDA program designed to bring the Internet we need to the rural counties she serves. She recently led a successful bipartisan effort to increase that funding by 78%. Abigail Spanberger very much wants us to have high speed Internet.

Spanberger’s opponent in her run for reelection this November is Nick Freitas, who currently represents the 30th district in the Virginia General Assembly. Freitas doesn’t want us to have broadband Internet. So, I don’t want him to have a position in Congress.


Jim Wolf

[CV]Frietas Doesn’t Support Broadband

Author: Jim

Louisa Dems Treasurer